There are many options for voice recordings in the marketplace. They range from independent contractors to voice recording brokers (low service matchmakers) to full service providers. We believe that full service voice services firms offer the most comprehensive, end-to-end offerings for voice recordings. “Full service” means that we work with our voice talents throughout the entire voice recording process – including scripting, editing, file naming/distribution/archiving, and post-sales support.
Employing voice over talent from a professional voice recording firm yields the following benefits:
- A more consistent, professional caller experience – A trained voice talent sounds more professional and is adept at maintaining a consistent style, tone, and volume when voice recordings are updated.
- Enhanced brand image – Using the same professional voice across all voice-enabled systems reinforces the brand and builds familiarity with customers.
- Better use of resources – Internal resources get promoted, transferred, terminated, etc., – and adding replacement voice recordings to an existing system results in an inconsistent voice interface.
- Reduce administrative hassle – Employing a professional voice recording firm eases the administrative burdens of coordinating recording schedules/deadlines for customers with multiple systems, locations and languages.
In addition, professional voice recording firms tend to establish long-term relationships with only the most highly-trained and career-committed voice talents in the industry. This ensures high quality and consistent branding over time.