A Tour Of The British Isles In Accents – UK voiceover

UK Voiceover artists in our roster are verbally diverse and uniquely different than our US voiceover artists. Recording professionally for such diverse clients as telecom, healthcare, banking, financial, utilities and energy, as well as small companies all over the world, our voiceover artists use their accents to create exactly the persona you’ve intended with your newest IVR scripting for call centers, contact centers, and on-hold services. Now this example isn’t one of our voiceover artists, but rather serves as a wild ride to whet the appetite of those seeking to expand the brand with diverse accents.

Rather amazing verbal dexterity, especially for such a quick fly around. And while one could argue this tour is not quite comprehensive (no Geordie Shore?) the fluid accuracy encourages keeping this on repeat so I can practice along! And practice, as they say, makes perfect. If you’d like to ensure a perfect delivery of all the copy you can compose, consider using our professional voiceover services. Covering over 85 languages spoken across the globe, and offering translation services for each as well, a firm like Marketing Messages can handle all of your perceived professional voice services under one roof. We can help draft script versions, align messaging across platforms, recommend optimal voiceover artists for recording, edit and deliver audio in any format required, and best of all we do this quickly with courtesy and attention to detail.

Of course, we do offer real, born-and-raised, actual native UK voiceover talents. Have a listen to them on our English Voices (U.K.) Accent page. Australian accents, too. We’re chuffed to have ’em, our ace talents!