Messages on Hold


What Is the Marketing Messages Difference for Your Voice Recordings?

As various technologies grow and change at impressive rates, it is fair to wonder what exactly differentiates a professional operation like Marketing Messages. After all, surely if you dedicate enough time and effort you can figure out how to create professional recordings that sound close enough to professional without needing to pay extra for it. … Continued


How to Connect Your iLink Unit for Messages-On-Hold

Have you purchased a VoiceCentral package and an iLink to receive automatic Messages On Hold updates? Do you have the iLink in hand? Have you read the one page instruction sheet? Would you like a bit of hand holding? We’re happy to help! Most likely, you’ve already sent us your Messages-On-Hold script, and we’ve produced … Continued


How to Write Out Pronunciation for Professional Audio Recording

Why is it important to write out pronunciation or write a visual pronouncer? When we receive scripts from organizations and companies large and small, there are often certain words with the unfortunate potential to be mispronounced. Employee names, product names, and brand names are categories of such words. Where the person writing the script for … Continued


Business Impact of the Customer Caller Experience

At Marketing Messages, we believe that every call is an opportunity. An opportunity to impress, assist, learn, improve, and connect. With so much of the world becoming more and more automated and remote, customer satisfaction is becoming increasingly linked to feeling a sense of genuine humanity rather than being foisted off onto impersonal systems. The … Continued