Audio Process/Technology


What Audio Format Does Your Phone System Use?

You’re ordering professional voice recordings for your phone system but don’t know exactly what audio format to request. We have tools available that allow audio file conversion into many phone-system-friendly codecs. We’ll analyze your file to determine the specific format, average volume levels, and any other relevant details so that we can match these specs … Continued


Don’t Offend Your Global Colleagues with Bad Voice Recordings

Implementing an Interactive Voice Response (IVR prompts) system or an auto attendant prompts feature that caters to a global audience with professional voice recordings in multiple languages remains a complex and sensitive task. As a project manager in today’s highly interconnected and culturally diverse business environment, the stakes are even higher. It’s crucial to engage … Continued


Easter and On-hold Music

I’ve been working at Marketing Messages since 1998 and I can’t think of a single time we’ve been asked to produce a Messages-On-Hold production for the Easter holiday with holiday-themed music. Easter and on-hold music just don’t blend. A custom closed-for-the-holiday auto-attendant greeting for Easter, freshly recorded each year? Yes, for sure. Countless times. Dozens … Continued


Coached Voice Recording Session for the Ideal IVR Experience

A professional voice services firm like Marketing Messages can and will go to all reasonable lengths to give its clients the best professional voice recordings possible. But even with trained voice talents and expert audio engineers combining their wealth of first-hand experience, there is still no guarantee that the completed audio is going to sound … Continued