Here at Marketing Messages, we certainly enjoy our work with standard voice messages like IVR prompts, auto attendant prompts, and on hold messages. While these are the kinds of things that we handle day in and day out, there are always questions to be answered and solutions to be devised. That being said, it’s always especially fun when a customer approaches us with a more unconventional voice message need, presenting us with a project that requires a bit more imagination and skill to pull off.
A great recent example is this voice narration project we completed for our customer Voicepad earlier this year. Give it a look and a listen: A new kind of open house. No house sitting required!
With this project, we were faced with several interesting needles to thread. After being presented with the customer’s script, we then had to select voice talents from our roster who we knew could not only deliver terrific audio, but deliver actual acting performances that conveyed the emotions, and hopefully the humor, of the script. And then even with both voice talents, in this case Andy and Grace (you can find other audio samples from both at our Voices page) providing terrific audio, we were still faced with the task of weaving their separate pieces of voice narration together. Andy and Grace each recorded in entirely separate locations and at entirely separate times, and yet we had to compose their voices in such a way that it is believable that they are having a live conversation.
Go ahead and give that clip another listen. Would you have guessed that you are listening to two completely separate voice recordings that have been edited together, rather than a simple recording of an actual phone conversation?
Even once the voice recordings were edited together into a harmonious whole, there were still the matters of inserting the sounds effects at the exact right timing, and getting the timing of the whole project to flow properly.
Meeting Your Voice Recording Needs
Different companies require different things from their various audio projects. There are of course your phone trees packed with Auto Attendant messages and your IVR prompts that guide customers and users through various systems, and then of course there are the on hold messages that occupy and hopefully inform your clients while they wait.
Each of these is important, and each of these receives careful and attentive consideration in the Marketing Messages process. Still, it is tremendously satisfying for us on a creative and technical level to be presented with more unique and involved projects such as this one. It allows us the space to put our skills, and the skills of our exceptional roster of voice talents, to the test and feel real pride in what we are able to accomplish.
On the Voicepad project, Jim Giebutoswki, Partner, Business Development, remarks:
“VoicePad is taking a refreshingly unique approach to the real estate space, and they are innovative in their use of multi-media technologies and channels to get their word out. I wish more companies were as thoughtful and forward looking in their marketing approach. Our Voice Artists loved working this project – they revel in unleashing their creativity and expressiveness in a video format.”
Whether you need a refresh of your standard voice messages or have something a little more unique in mind, Marketing Messages can’t wait to hear from you. And then you can hear from us.