No matter how carefully you plan, deploying a multi-language project is a huge undertaking with numerous pitfalls that can result in major problems and delays. It is very easy for such a project to become even more complex than originally planned, and with increased complexity comes increased time, effort, and expense. Over the life of our company, Marketing Messages has provided audio in over 80 languages for countless clients across the globe. All our experience is at your disposal if and when you need professional voice recordings in multiple languages.
Shortcut Pitfalls
Part of any successful project is, from the start, acknowledging the things you do not know and making an effort to either close those gaps in your knowledge or at the very least to engage people and services who have a proven track record, and trusting them to help you.
This is a long way around to reiterating a stance that we have repeated ad nauseum: Do not think that you can just plug your text into Google Translate or some other free service and it will spit out coherent translations. Do not think that you can just have a co-worker who took a couple years of Spanish in high school record your self-produced translation and that this will in any way meet professional qualities of sound and coherence.
These shortcuts may result in complete auto attendant prompts, IVR prompts, or on hold messages, but the recordings will be of pronounced lower quality, may very well prove to be unintelligible to native speakers of the languages you are attempting to address, and communicate only disregard and disinterest to your customers and partners. There is, simply, no substitute for putting in the time and effort to make sure voiceover recordings are not only done, but done right. And the best way to ensure that they are done right is to engage with professionals who have done this work before.
A Global Network for Voice Recordings – Multiple Languages
Here at Marketing Messages, we not only have our own decades of experience to bring to the table, but we in turn rely on a global network of translators and voice over talents to bring their own expertise to each project.
Whether we are discussing the intricacies of the numerous variations on the Chinese language, or determining which words and phrases should remain in English in a script, the value derived from this kind of personalized service with a local perspective is incalculable. And beyond the practical benefits of your messages and prompts sounding better, when this amount of attention is paid to things like IVR prompts, items which your competitors may dismiss as unimportant, it tells your global customers that you care about them, and that you will go the extra mile to be of service.
Marketing Messages has developed our network of global talents over decades, and we only work with proven, trustworthy voice talents and translators who are reliable and credible. And should a voice talent become unavailable, we have replacements and alternates ready to go, making us prepared for just about any request that comes through the door.
We Are Here to Help
Professional voice recordings in multiple languages are a complicated matter, especially if this is the first time that you have been charged with creating them. Maybe you have been moved to a new role in your company and recordings have suddenly fallen under your purview. Maybe your company has only recently begun to expand to global considerations and you are facing an audience and scope that your business has not had to face before. These projects can absolutely seem overwhelming and intimidating.
Marketing Messages is here to help. We have a wealth of experience across virtually every kind of audio recording project you can imagine, and a trusted network of professional talents that can handle dozens upon dozens of languages from across the globe.
So make your life easier and give us a call or shoot us an email today to talk about your multilanguage project. Put our expertise to your work.